Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Lesson 2 .. Mime - Reflection

In this lesson, Ms.Burton introduced us to the art of mime. We were only taught the basics such as how to pick up a cup and put it back down. It may seem easy but i actually found it quite it quite difficult to make the whole mime look realistic because i felt weird and i thought that mime was not really needed as i always i had the use of props. but nevertheless, i carried on anyway and kept on trying to perfect it.
We were then set a task to mime breakfast as a family, We were allowed to speak but had no use of props whatsoever. Again, i felt it was a little bit out of my comfort zone but still tried.
Next, We were given a task to mime out a wizard and his two apprentices at work putting things into a cauldron. I played one of the apprentices who puts one of the wrong thing into the cauldron and made things go wrong meaning there was an explosion at the end.
The thing that made this task different however is the fact that this time, Ms.Burton played music that linked to the task. therefore, making it easier for us to get into character and mime properly.

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